KARACHI: (Saturday, November 10, 2018): After recent visit to Prime Minister Imran Khan, China’s 35-volley-digit productive products are likely to provide duty-free access to the small market.
After the Prime Minister’s visit to Pakistan, Pakistan’s exports of Pakistani products to China, between the Pakistani government and China’s concerned government officials, are being set up to enhance trade and trade, Pakistan’s 35-wheeled textile products opportunities are likely to get duty-free access They include products of nutriver reddy-like merchandise products, t-shirts, jerseys, bone, male and female clothes, overcuts, cotton shirts and products.
Sources said that China imported nitware and ready-made garments products worth a total of $ 6.5 billion from around the world, on an annual basis. The duty-free accessibility facility for 35-wired textile products from the Ministry of Commerce Yes, China imports an annual $ 4.6 billion of these products.
Pakistan Javas Manufacturers and Exporters Association, Central Javed Balochi, said that availability of duty free market access to China’s proposed 35-wired textile products in the market is likely to increase a billion dollars in Pakistan’s exports.
Pakistani exporters will have to adopt aggressive marketing strategy in the Chinese market.